Welcome Allegro CL 10 Express Edition Users
An updated version of Allegro 10.1 Express (our free version) is now available. It has a license expiration date of January 31, 2023 (the older version expires on January 31, 2021).
One option is to simply download the new version from the Franz.com website - Download
For existing Allegro CL Express installations, you can update the license to extend the expiration date to January 31, 2023. Please see the instructions below.
Update your existing Allegro CL 10.1 Express Installation
Options for existing Express users:
1. Before January 31, 2021: Obtain the new license and all current patches via our standard software update process.
a. Mac/Windows/Linux using the IDE - Use the Menu to "Install -> Updates"
b. Emacs or command line - use (sys:update-allegro)
2. After January 31, 2021:
Option 1 - Download a new Express installer from here: https://franz.com/downloads/clp/survey
Option 2 - Download just the new license file and install it manually:
Windows - https://franz.com/ftp/pub/patches/10.1/windows/develx.lic
FreeBSD - https://franz.com/ftp/pub/patches/10.1/freebsd/develx.lic
Linux - https://franz.com/ftp/pub/patches/10.1/linux86/develx.lic
Mac - https://franz.com/ftp/pub/patches/10.1/macosx86/develx.lic
The name as downloaded will be "develx.lic" and it needs to be renamed to "devel.lic" when replacing the file named "devel.lic" in the installation directory.