Tuesday, August 29, 2017

New Websocket API

A patch released in August, 2017 for Allegro CL 10.0 and 10.1 implements a websocket API which allows users to implement websocket server and client applications in Lisp. The Allegro CL websocket API is described in Websocket API in miscellaneous.htm.
In this note, we provide a very simple example using the API. The websocket module in ACL allows one to implement websocket server and client applications in Lisp (many sites on the web offer more complex demos and tutorials in its use). The websocket protocol is specified in RFC6455. In this example the server is implemented in Lisp and a client is implemented in HTML/Javascript and also in Lisp.
This example uses some Common Lisp source files and some html files. These are all fairly short and all are appended to this article, suitable for cutting and pasting. You can also download a zip file which unzips into a directory named websock/ containing all the files and also an abbreviated text file (simplews.txt) with the instructions from this article.
The example starts a server in one Lisp image. Then it communicates with that server with a browser and also with a client started in another Lisp image. When the server receives a message, its action in response to the message is determined by the on-messagefunction specified in the call to publish-websocket (which is called by the echo-server function defined in server.cl).
The on-message in our example is:
:on-message (lambda (contract data ext)
              (declare (ignore ext))
              (cond ((equalp data "add") (setq *mode* :add))
                    ((equalp data "none") (setq *mode* nil)))
              (case *mode*
                (:add (setq data (concatenate 'string data "...added..."))))
              (websocket-send contract data))
The value of *mode* is initially nil. The server does nothing for any message until the message "add" arrives. Then it responds to that and every subseqeuent message with '[message]...added...' unless a message "none" arrives, in which case *mode* is set to nil and responses stop. This image shows an interaction.

Clicking Open opened the connection. The first two messages ('12345' and 'another) were sent and received but elicited no response. The message 'add' enabled response mode, and messages are responded to with '...added...'. Then the mesasage 'none' turns off responses and subseqeuent messages are not responded to. Clicking Close closes the connection.
This is obviously a simple example but it provides a template for more complex cases.
Here are the steps to running the example:
  1. Start a patched Allegro CL 10.0 or 10.1.
  2. Load the websocket API and (optionally) use the relevant packages:
    (require :websocket)
    (use-package :net.aserve)
    (use-package :net.aserve.client)
  3. Edit the host in client and browser source files if necessary. The source files assume the server Lisp, the client Lisp and the browser are all running on the same machine, which can thus be referred to as 'localhost'. If the client Lisp is on a different machine, the client Lisp files must be edited to replace 'localhost' with the actual host name. If the browser is running on a different machine, the html files must be edited to replace 'localhost' with the actual host name.
  4. Start the simple server in a Lisp image by loading the file server.cl and calling the function echo-server:
    :ld server.cl
    (echo-server) ;; add arguments ':port XXXX' if
                  ;; you want a port other than 9001
  5. Open a web browser on the file client.html. You should see buttons like those at the top of the illustration above.
Open a connection by clicking Open in the browser. Then send messages. As noted above, sending the message 'add' makes the server respond to messages beyond simply returning them. 'none' stops those responses. The picture above shows a typical interaction. (Occasionally Lisp will print a message about sockets being closed and thus not open-for-output but this seems to be a oddness with some browsers as the communication continues to work.)

Starting a client in a Lisp image

Start a second Lisp image for a Lisp client interaction, load client.cl and execute more forms as shown:
cl-user(5): :ld client.cl
; Loading client.cl
cl-user(6): (echo-client)  ;; add arguments ':port XXXX' if
                           ;; you want a port other than 9001
#<websocket-message-client-contract @ #x201f6c802>
cl-user(7): (echo-send "message1")
RECEIVED message1
(echo-send "message2")
RECEIVED message2
(echo-send "add")
RECEIVED add...added...
(echo-send "after browser")
RECEIVED after browser
CLOSED with code 1000 
In the server, you can switch to the more elaborate server by calling
This more complex server maintains a separate application state for each client and illustrates how other event handlers are used. So in the Lisp client, you can do:
cl-user(18): (echo-client :url :multi)
#<websocket-message-client-contract @ #x201fdd592>
cl-user(19): (echo-send "from Lisp client")
RECEIVED from Lisp client
(echo-send "after web add")
Load client2.html into a browser and you can have an interaction as shown in the illustration:

Associated source files

A zipped directory containing all source files used in this example along with the images displayed above and a text file with example instructions can be downloaded from ftp://ftp.franz.com/pub/src/tech_corner/websocket.tar.gz. All the source files are also displayed below suitable for cutting and pasting.
The files are:


The port keyword argument in the functions echo-server and multi-server defaults to 9001. Specify :port XXXX in the call to echo-server if you wish to use aother port.
(in-package :user)

(eval-when (compile eval load)
  (require :websocket)
  (use-package :net.aserve))

(defvar *mode* nil)

(defun echo-server (&key (port 9001) debug)
  ;; Simple server with global state.
  (start :port port)
  (setq *mode* nil)
   :path "/simple-echo"
   :on-message (lambda (contract data ext)
   (declare (ignore ext))
   (cond ((equalp data "add") (setq *mode* :add))
         ((equalp data "none") (setq *mode* nil)))
   (case *mode*
     (:add (setq data (concatenate 'string data "...added..."))))
   (websocket-send contract data))
   :debug debug)

(defvar *modes* nil)

(defun multi-server (&key (port 9001) debug)
  ;; More complex server that keeps per-client state. 
  (start :port port)
  (setq *modes* (make-hash-table))
   :path "/multi-echo"
   :on-open (lambda (contract)
       (setf (gethash contract *modes*) (list :mode nil)))
   :on-message (lambda (contract data ext
   &aux (plist (gethash contract *modes*)))
   (declare (ignore ext))
   (cond ((equalp data "add") (setf (getf plist :mode) :add))
         ((equalp data "none") (setf (getf plist :mode) nil)))
   (case (getf plist :mode)
     (:add (setq data (concatenate 'string data "...added..."))))
   (websocket-send contract data))
   :on-close (lambda (contract code data)
        (declare (ignore code data))
        (remhash contract *modes*))
   :debug debug)


In the function echo-client, the port keyword argument defaults to 9001 and the host is specified as 'localhost' in the bindings of 'url'. Specify a different port is the call to echo-client if desired and modify the source to specify a different host if the client Lisp will run on a different host from the server Lisp.
(in-package :user)

(eval-when (compile eval load)
  (require :websocket)
  (use-package :net.aserve)
  (use-package :net.aserve.client))

(defvar *ws* nil)
(defun echo-client (&key (url :simple) (port 9001) debug)
  (case url
    (:simple (setq url "ws://localhost:~A/simple-echo"))
    (:multi (setq url "ws://localhost:~A/multi-echo")))
  (setq *ws*
    (open-websocket (format nil url port)
      :on-message (lambda (contract data ext)
      (declare (ignore contract ext))
      (format t "~&RECEIVED ~A~%" data))
      :on-close (lambda (contract code data)
    (declare (ignore contract))
    (format t "~&CLOSED with code ~A ~A~%"
     code data))
      :debug debug)))

(defun echo-send (text) (websocket-send *ws* text))

(defun echo-close () (close-websocket *ws* :wait t))


This file refers to 'localhost:9001'. If the browser will be running on a different host from the Lisp server, 'localhost' must be changed to the actual host. If the port used is not 9001, that value too must be edited.
<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title>Echo Chamber</title>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
      <input type="text" id="messageinput"/>
      <button type="button" onclick="openSocket();" >Open</button>
      <button type="button" onclick="send();" >Send</button>
      <button type="button" onclick="closeSocket();" >Close</button>
    <!-- Server responses get written here -->
    <div id="messages"></div>
    <!-- Script to utilise the WebSocket -->
    <script type="text/javascript">
var webSocket;
var messages = document.getElementById("messages");

function openSocket(){
    // Ensures only one connection is open at a time
    if(webSocket !== undefined && webSocket.readyState !== WebSocket.CLOSED){
        writeResponse("WebSocket is already opened.");
    // Create a new instance of the websocket
    webSocket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:9001/simple-echo");
     * Binds functions to the listeners for the websocket.
    webSocket.onopen = function(event){
        writeResponse("CONNECTED ");
    webSocket.onmessage = function(event){
        writeResponse("RECEIVED: " + event.data);
    webSocket.onclose = function(event){
        writeResponse("Connection closed ");

 * Sends the value of the text input to the server
function send(){
    var text = document.getElementById("messageinput").value;
    writeResponse("SENT " + text);

function closeSocket(){

function writeResponse(text){
    messages.innerHTML += "<br/>" + text;


This file refers to 'localhost:9001'. If the browser will be running on a different host from the Lisp server, 'localhost' must be changed to the actual host. If the port used is not 9001, that value too must be edited.
<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title>Echo Chamber</title>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
      <input type="text" id="messageinput"/>
      <button type="button" onclick="openSocket();" >Open</button>
      <button type="button" onclick="send();" >Send</button>
      <button type="button" onclick="closeSocket();" >Close</button>
    <!-- Server responses get written here -->
    <div id="messages"></div>
    <!-- Script to utilise the WebSocket -->
    <script type="text/javascript">
var webSocket;
var messages = document.getElementById("messages");
function openSocket(){
    // Ensures only one connection is open at a time
    if(webSocket !== undefined && webSocket.readyState !== WebSocket.CLOSED){
 writeResponse("WebSocket is already opened.");
    // Create a new instance of the websocket
    webSocket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:9001/multi-echo");
     * Binds functions to the listeners for the websocket.
    webSocket.onopen = function(event){
 writeResponse("CONNECTED ");
    webSocket.onmessage = function(event){
 writeResponse("RECEIVED: " + event.data);
    webSocket.onclose = function(event){
 writeResponse("Connection closed ");

 * Sends the value of the text input to the server
function send(){
    var text = document.getElementById("messageinput").value;
    writeResponse("SENT " + text);

function closeSocket(){

function writeResponse(text){
    messages.innerHTML += "<br/>" + text;

Link to the Tech Corner - https://franz.com/support/tech_corner/websocket081717.lhtml

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Franz (+ Lisp Graph) Newsletter - August 2017

In this issue Intel Monte Story Webcast "Temporality in Graphs" Tech Corner Article: New external format support in Allegro CL 10.1 Recent articles Miller School Researchers Help Push the Limits of Programming Languages in Biology - http://med.miami.edu/news/miller-school-researchers-help-push-the-limits-of-programming-languages-in-/ Classes

Intel Solution Brief - Montefiore Creates Data Analytics to Advance Patient Care
Intel Next Logo
Like all healthcare organizations, Montefiore faces complex challenges from government pressures to reduce costs and stringent regulatory guidelines to diverse patient populations and disruptive technologies. A focus and investment in precision medicine has brought the nation's and industry's attention to expanding the breadth of patient data in order to personalize treatment for individuals and historically underrepresented groups. Further, understanding patients requires information on a complex array of factors, some of which may not even be known during a clinical interaction, such as the home and work environment, nutrition, and genetics...
To read about their solution, see here

Free Webcast - A Time Machine for your Graph
Gruff Icon

August 23, 10 AM Pacific

Many use cases for a Graph Database, like AllegroGraph, involve temporal events. In general, "Events" are modeled as objects that have a start time, end time, a type, some actors and a geospatial location. In this webinar we will explore the temporal aspects of events using a set of practical examples from healthcare, government intelligence, the world of finance, and real estate.
With Gruff v7.0os new "Time Slider" feature, these examples really come to life. Using Gruff, a semantic graph browser, we will visually demonstrate how graphs that are comprised of temporal events are constructed over time, allowing time machine like exploration of your data.
To register for this webcast, see here

Tech Corner Article: New external format support in Allegro CL 10.1
The recently released Allegro CL version 10.1 has a number of enhancements relating to characters and to external formats. These enhancements include:
  • Support for the GB 18030 external format. The GB 18030 external format is a Chinese government standard which defines the required language and character support necessary for software in China. See this Wikipedia article for more information on GB 18030. See See Basic External-Format Types in iacl.htm for a list of external formats. Support is provided for ensuring writing and reading characters with the :gb18030 external format are valid. See the variable *gb-18030-transcoding-error-action* for more information.
  • Better support for UTF-16 characters. 16-bit character Allegro CL (that is, the alisp, mlisp, and allegro executables, but not alisp8, mlisp8, and allegro8) stores characters in UTF-16. New operators facilitate the creation of UTF-16 octets and characters. These are particularly useful when using characters outside the ASCII range. The operators include code-to-utf16-charcompose-octet-array, and compose-string.
  • Better support for BOMs (Byte Order Marks) in Unicode. A new function sniff-for-unicode applied to a stream returns information on BOMs. The value of the variable *unicode-version* is a string containing the version number for the Unicode Character Database used to build the Allegro CL character name table and collation rules. And new unicode external formats handle BOMs. See The unicode and fat External-Format Types; the unicode BOM in iacl.htm.
See here for additional information

Recent Articles about Franz 

Miller School Researchers Help Push the Limits of Programming Languages in Biology
Bohdan Khomtchouk, a fourth-year human genetics and genomics Ph.D candidate working in the Center for Therapeutic Innovation and the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, has spearheaded the publication of a high-impact review paper published in Briefings in Bioinformatics that was the subject of this year’s invited keynote speech at the European Lisp Symposium in Brussels, Belgium.
Khomtchouk is joined in authorship by his graduate advisor, Claes Wahlestedt, M.D., Ph.D., professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, associate dean for therapeutic innovation and director of the Center for Therapeutic Innovation at the Miller School; Edmund Weitz, Ph.D., professor of mathematics at the University of Applied Sciences in Hamburg, Germany; and Peter D. Karp, Ph.D., director of the Bioinformatics Research Group within the Artificial Intelligence Center at SRI International.
“Bioinformatics and computational biology software is dominated largely by higher-level languages like R and Python and lower-level languages like C and C++,” said Khomtchouk. “In our paper, we systematically review the advantages posed by a unique hybrid of languages, called the Lisp family of languages, that offer both high-level scripting and low-level performance capabilities not commonly seen in other languages.”
In bioinformatics and computational biology, Lisp has successfully been applied to research in systems biology, high-performance computing, database curation, drug discovery, computational chemistry and nanotechnology, network and pathway -omics analysis, single-nucleotide polymorphism analysis and RNA structure prediction...
Read more here

Follow us on Google Plus, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube 


Training Schedule

LabBECOME ALLEGRO CERTIFIED - To obtain your Allegro CL Certification enroll in our LIVE Program which offers developers an opportunity to learn and improve their Lisp programming skills from the comfort of their home or office while interacting with the Franz instructor.
Lisp Programming Series Level I: Basic Lisp Essentials - September 6, 13, and 20
Lisp Programming Series Level II: Specialized Components of Lisp - October 4, 11, and 18
For additional information and to register, see here.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

New external format support in Allegro CL 10.1

    The recently released Allegro CL version 10.1 has a number of enhancements relating to characters and to external formats. These enhancements include:
    • Support for the GB 18030 external format. The GB 18030 external format is a Chinese government standard which defines the required language and character support necessary for software in China. See this Wikipedia article for more information on GB 18030. See See Basic External-Format Types in iacl.htm for a list of external formats. Support is provided for ensuring writing and reading characters with the :gb18030 external format are valid. See the variable *gb-18030-transcoding-error-action* for more information.
    • Better support for UTF-16 characters. 16-bit character Allegro CL (that is, the alisp, mlisp, and allegro executables, but not alisp8, mlisp8, and allegro8) stores characters in UTF-16. New operators facilitate the creation of UTF-16 octets and characters. These are particularly useful when using characters outside the ASCII range. The operators include code-to-utf16-charcompose-octet-array, and compose-string.
    • Better support for BOMs (Byte Order Marks) in Unicode. A new function sniff-for-unicode applied to a stream returns information on BOMs. The value of the variable *unicode-version* is a string containing the version number for the Unicode Character Database used to build the Allegro CL character name table and collation rules. And new unicode external formats handle BOMs. See The unicode and fat External-Format Types; the unicode BOM in iacl.htm.
    Coming soon via a patch is support for a strict UTF-8 external format and tools for ensuring all bytes are valid UTF-8 (rejecting, for example, invalid multi-byte sequences), Keep an eye on the patch list and the release-notes.htm for this upcoming patch.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Franz (+ Lisp Graph) Newsletter - May 2017

In this issue

Allegro CL 10.1 - Now Available!
acl logo

ACL 10.1 New Features

  • 64-bit Linux ARM (aka ARM64 or ARMv8): both SMP and non-SMP
  • New external format: GB18030
  • For macOS and Windows: executable signing
  • Character tables updated to Unicode 9.0.0
  • OpenSSL is dynamically loaded rather than statically linked (this was available as a patch, so you can remove this if you want)
  • defstruct slot-option validation
  • xmlrpc now uses the SAX parser rather than the older, deprecated XML parser
  • The IDE's trace dialog reports the elapsed time for each traced call
  • Iimplements "grab_fast_mutex" for all architectures, leading to performance improvements for multiprocessing on some architectures
  • GC improvements
    • find-gcpath: A new tool to help locate the reason specific objects are being kept alive across garbage collections (see documentation)
    • collected-newstuff: A tool to help analyze the heap allocations made while executing a block of code. (see documentation)
    • Handle exceptions during gc: Exceptions during gc are now reported, with a mechanism for using a low-level (non-lisp) debugger to analyze the problem
    • Misc performance enhancements for the global gc
  • With more than 200 fixes and 150 enhancements (see the release notes for the highlights), this release focuses on stability and some important new features.
See here for additional information.

Tech Corner Article: Allegro CL Now Runs on the ARM-64 Platform 
ARM chip
The ARM-64 processor (also called the ARMv8, the Aarch64, and the ARM64) is a RISC processor particularly adapted to smaller devices. The Wikipedia description is aten.wikipedia.org/wiki/ARM_architecture and the company which designed the processor describes it at www.arm.com/products/processors. Allegro CL 10.1, recently released, runs on the ARM-64. Only the 64-bit version of Allegro CL is supported. There are both SMP and non-SMP versions. Common Graphics and the IDE runs on the non-SMP version. (CG and the IDE are not currently supported on any Linux SMP version.)

See here for the details.

Trappist-1 Exoplanets and Allegro CL - The SIRPASS Story
Astronomers are celebrating a new discovery, a treasure trove of planets found. The big news is that around a very nearby, cold, small star, there are seven rocky Earth-sized planets, all of which could potentially have liquid water. Three of them orbit in the habitable zone around the star. The planetary system is called Trappist-1. JPL's David S. Mittman and STSI's Robert Hawkins have co-authored a white paper that describes the project environment in which the Spitzer Integratesd Resource Planning and Scheduling System (SIRPASS) was developed and used in operations. SIRPASS is the last known adaptation of the Plan-IT II planning and sequencing tool. In the paper, they explain that because the Plan-IT II software architecture utilizes a highly object-oriented design, the core software can be easily extended for specific scheduling problem domains. Plan-IT II is developed in Allegro CL, a dynamic object-oriented development environment for ANSI Common Lisp from Franz, Inc.
See here for additional information.

Bloor Research Positions Franz's AllegroGraph as a 'Champion' and Highest Ranked in Graph Database Market
Bloor Logo
Franz Inc.'s flagship product, AllegroGraph, has been named a 'Champion' by Bloor Research in its recent Graph Database Market Update report.
"AllegroGraph is the highest ranked product in its class, and, thanks to Gruff, it was rated as the easiest product to use." - Bloor Research
AllegroGraph is a database technology that enables businesses to extract sophisticated decision insights and predictive analytics from highly complex, distributed data that cannot be uncovered with conventional databases. Unlike traditional databases or NoSQL databases, AllegroGraph employs semantic graph technologies that process data with contextual and conceptual intelligence. AllegroGraph is able run queries of unprecedented complexity to support predictive analytics that help organizations make more informed, real-time decisions.
For additional information, see here.

Recorded Webcast: The Power of Machine Learning and Graphs
Jans Aasman
Graphs and Machine Learning have long been a focus for Franz Inc. and currently we are collaborating with a number of companies to deliver the ability to understand possible future events based on a company's internal as well as externally available data. By combining machine learning, semantic technologies, big data, graph databases and dynamic visualizations we will discuss the core components of a Cognitive Computing platform. We discussed example Cognitive Computing platforms from Ecommerce, fraud detection and healthcare that combine structured/unstructured data, knowledge, linked open data, predictive analytics, and machine learning to enhance corporate decision making.
To view the recorded webcast, see here.

Database Trends and Apps Report - Building a Data Lake for the Enterprise
Jans Aasman
Data lakes are forming as a response to todayfs big data challenges, offering a cost-effective way to maintain and manage immense data resources that hold both current and future potential to the enterprise. However, enterprises need to build these environments with great care and consideration, as these potentially critical business resources could quickly lose their way with loose governance, insecure protocols, and redundant data.

To learn about how AllegroGraph is in use for Montefiore Medical Center's Semantic Data Lake, see here.

Upcoming Events - Graph Day and GeoInt 

Please join us for Graph Day SF 17 in San Francisco - June 17th and GEOINT 2017 June 4-7 in San Antonio.

Recent Articles about Franz 

Follow us on Google Plus, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube 


Training Schedule

LabBECOME ALLEGRO CERTIFIED - To obtain your Allegro CL Certification enroll in our LIVE Program which offers developers an opportunity to learn and improve their Lisp programming skills from the comfort of their home or office while interacting with the Franz instructor.
Lisp Programming Series Level I: Basic Lisp Essentials - June 7, 14, and 21
Lisp Programming Series Level II: Specialized Components of Lisp - July 5, 12, and 19
For additional information and to register, see here.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Allegro CL 10.1 Free Express Edition - Now Available

ACL Logo


ACL 10.1 New Features

  • 64-bit Linux ARM (aka ARM64 or ARMv8): both SMP and non-SMP
  • New external format: GB18030
  • For macOS and Windows: executable signing
  • Character tables updated to Unicode 9.0.0
  • OpenSSL is dynamically loaded rather than statically linked (this was available as a patch, so you can remove this if you want)
  • defstruct slot-option validation
  • xmlrpc now uses the SAX parser rather than the older, deprecated XML parser
  • The IDE's trace dialog reports the elapsed time for each traced call
  • Iimplements "grab_fast_mutex" for all architectures, leading to performance improvements for multiprocessing on some architectures
  • GC improvements
    • find-gcpath: A new tool to help locate the reason specific objects are being kept alive across garbage collections (see documentation)
    • collected-newstuff: A tool to help analyze the heap allocations made while executing a block of code. (see documentation)
    • Handle exceptions during gc: Exceptions during gc are now reported, with a mechanism for using a low-level (non-lisp) debugger to analyze the problem
    • Misc performance enhancements for the global gc
  • With more than 200 fixes and 150 enhancements (see the release notes for the highlights), this release focuses on stability and some important new features.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Franz (+ Lisp Graph) Newsletter - January 2017

In this issue

Allegro CL 10.1 - Beta Test Period Ending January 31st
acl 10 beta logo

ACL 10.1 New Features

  • 64-bit Linux ARM (aka ARM64 or ARMv8): both SMP and non-SMP
  • New external format: GB18030
  • For macOS and Windows: executable signing
  • Character tables updated to Unicode 9.0.0
  • OpenSSL is dynamically loaded rather than statically linked (this was available as a patch, so you can remove this if you want)
  • defstruct slot-option validation
  • xmlrpc now uses the SAX parser rather than the older, deprecated XML parser
  • The IDE's trace dialog reports the elapsed time for each traced call
  • Iimplements "grab_fast_mutex" for all architectures, leading to performance improvements for multiprocessing on some architectures
  • GC improvements
    • find-gcpath: A new tool to help locate the reason specific objects are being kept alive across garbage collections (see documentation)
    • collected-newstuff: A tool to help analyze the heap allocations made while executing a block of code. (see documentation)
    • Handle exceptions during gc: Exceptions during gc are now reported, with a mechanism for using a low-level (non-lisp) debugger to analyze the problem
    • Misc performance enhancements for the global gc
  • With more than 200 fixes and 150 enhancements (see the release notes for the highlights), this release focuses on stability and some important new features.
Users interested in becoming beta testers should contact info@franz.com for more information.

Smart Data Conference - San Francisco, Jan. 30 - Feb. 1 
The Premier Business Conference focused on Smart Data and Machine Intelligence Technologies. The Smart Data Conference is designed to accommodate all levels of technical understanding. It will bring together emerging disciplines that are focused on more intelligent information gathering and analysis.
See here for more information and to register.

Tech Corner Article: A New Feature of the Runtime Analyzer
A new feature of the runtime analyzer, introduced in Allegro CL version 10.0, is a real-time profiler. The existing time profiler estimates CPU time spent in various functions so developers can see which functions would most benefit from optimization, but CPU idle time is ignored. The real-time profiler takes CPU idle time into account, and reports on the real time spent in functions, both when calculations are being done and when the CPU is idle. This information can be important for user interfaces, as users simply see delays and do not care whether the delay is because the system is idle (typically waiting for some response) or working away.
See here for additional information.

The 10th European Lisp Symposium, April 3-4, Brussels, Belgium
European Lisp Symposium
The purpose of the European Lisp Symposium is to provide a forum for the discussion and dissemination of all aspects of design, implementationand application of any of the Lisp and Lisp-inspired dialects, including Common Lisp, Scheme, Emacs Lisp, AutoLisp, ISLISP, Dylan, Clojure, ACL2, ECMAScript, Racket, SKILL, Hop and so on. We encourage everyone interested in Lisp to participate.
This year's ELS will be co-located with the Programming 2017 Conference!

For additional information about the conference, see here.

TechCrunch article - Putting data back into the hands of owners
TechCrunch logo
In healthcare there is a growing desire for patients to own their medical records. Interestingly, this desire is not coming from patients, it's based on the view from medical practitioners that patient care and quality of life is directly influenced by the ability of patients to access and utilize their data. This view is core to the Precision Medicine Initiative, a White House program for personalizing healthcare treatment for individuals and groups that have historically been underrepresented. Its mission statement points out that "Success will require that health data is portable, that it can be easily shared between providers, researchers, and most importantly, patients and research participants"...
See here to read the full article.

Recent Articles about Franz 

Follow us on Google Plus, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube 


Training Schedule

LabBECOME ALLEGRO CERTIFIED - To obtain your Allegro CL Certification enroll in our LIVE Program which offers developers an opportunity to learn and improve their Lisp programming skills from the comfort of their home or office while interacting with the Franz instructor.
Lisp Programming Series Level I: Basic Lisp Essentials - Feburary 8, 15, and 22
Lisp Programming Series Level II: Specialized Components of Lisp - March 8, 15, and 22
For additional information and to register, see here.